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Training, skills and awareness

​​Sustainable and competitive supply chains still rely on people guiding flows of goods, services and materials from source to destination. Internally, human skills are needed to strategise and monitor, interpret policies and processes, and motivate others to do the same. External stakeholders' awareness and understanding is equally key to build trusted relationships and collaborate towards agreed outcomes.​


At Hyacint Consult, we offer training and capacity building services, from needs assessments to development of training curricula, and facilitating and delivering actual training on the ground or in-company. Our team brings a wide variety of references, from sustainability training for sector associations, to code of conduct e-learnings and workshops, to trade related capacity-building trainings for Government and private sector representatives. ​​​​


Key Activities

  • Training curricula development, based on needs assessment

  • Development of training materials and guidance, including for interactive sessions and concrete case-work.

  • Organisation and support for training delivery, in-company or in-country, or online webinars

  • Delivery of training and workshops with preparatory and evaluation engaging partners and participants.  ​​​​​

Related projects​​

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Interested in working with us? 

At Hyacint Consult, we work in a highly customized manner. Before engaging in a client engagement, we aim to gather a solid understanding of the needs and challenges to be addressed, objectives and over-all context of the organisation. 

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