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Battery materials: support due diligence and responsible sourcing program

Strategic advisory services on responsible minerals sourcing program for a global materials and recycling group

Focus on battery materials (cobalt, nickel, other). Advisory services include a focus on inter alia enhancing the sustainability due diligence internal strategy and processes, including a more thorough approach to risk assessment and mitigation in the case of ESG risks identified.

Deliverables included:

  • Facilitated two internal workshops on sustainability due diligence, risk assessment and mitigation, with focus on anti-corruption

  • In-house process advisory; SOP developed on risk assessment and mitigation on anti-corruption in minerals supply chains, draft red flags and risk matrixes

  • Developed guidelines on anti-corruption risk assessment and mitigation in minerals supply chains


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Grainy Texture

Interested in working with us? 

At Hyacint Consult, we work in a highly customized manner. Before engaging in a client engagement, we aim to gather a solid understanding of the needs and challenges to be addressed, objectives and over-all context of the organisation. 

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